CS50 Week 4: Exploring Memory in C Programming

Week 4 Memory

Memory is a fundamental concept in computer science and plays a critical role in how programs operate. Understanding how memory works is beneficial for any aspiring programmer who wishes to write efficient and bug-free programs. In this week's lecture, we learnt about the world of memory and how to manage it with the help of C.


The lecture for Week 4 of CS50 focused on memory management and introduced several new concepts, such as pointers, hexadecimal representation of data, garbage values, scanf function to take user input, how to compare and copy strings. The lecture also explained the concept of call by value and call by reference with the help of a swap function. It also introduced "Valgrind", a memory debugging tool that allows us to identify memory leaks and other issues in our code.

What is Memory?

Memory is a crucial aspect of programming, as it allows us to store and retrieve information in our programs. In C, memory is managed through variables, which are containers that store data. However, it's important to note that memory in C is a finite resource, and if we don't manage it properly, we risk running into memory-related issues such as segmentation faults or memory leaks.

Pointers: A Powerful Tool in C

Pointers are a powerful tool in C that allow us to manipulate memory directly. A pointer is a variable that contains the memory address of another variable.

int n = 5;   // n is a integer variable
int *p = &n; // p is a pointer variable which stores the address of an integer n

By accessing the memory address of a variable using the ampersand(&)operator, we can modify its value directly, without needing to make a copy of the entire variable. Pointers are particularly useful when working with arrays or complex data structures, as they allow us to access individual elements with ease.

Dynamic Allocation: Allocate Memory at Runtime

Dynamic memory allocation is a technique used in C to allocate memory at runtime, rather than at compile-time. We were introduced to the two functions that allow us to dynamically allocate and deallocate memory in our programs, which are malloc() and free().

char *str = malloc(9);

Malloc takes the number of bytes to be allocated as its argument and returns a pointer to the allocated chunk of memory. Free takes the pointer to the memory allocated with malloc as argument to free it, so as to ensure no memory is wasted in the end. By using these tools and techniques, we can avoid common memory-related issues and create programs that are both reliable and scalable.

Memory Management Tools

In order to work with memory effectively, we need to have the right tools at our disposal. In this week's lecture, we learned about a few useful tools for memory management, including:

File I/O

In addition to memory management, the lecture also taught about how to read from and write to files. In C, we can perform file I/O using the fopen, fclose, fread, and fwrite functions.

The fopen function is used to open a file and returns a file pointer, which we can use to perform operations on the file. The fclose function is used to close the file once we're done with it. The fread function is used to read data from a file into a buffer, and the fwrite function is used to write data from a buffer to a file.


In conclusion, Week 4 of CS50 is all about memory management, pointers, and dynamic allocation in C. By mastering these concepts, we can write more efficient and powerful programs that can handle large datasets and complex data structures. With the right tools and techniques, we can avoid common memory-related issues and create programs that are both reliable and scalable.