CS50 Week 9: An Introduction to Flask

Week 9 Flask

This week in CS50, we dive deeper into web development with Flask, a micro web framework written in Python. Flask is used to build web applications from small and simple to large and complex. In this week, we learned how to integrate Flask with other technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build powerful web applications.


The lecture began with a brief introduction to Flask and how it can be used to build web applications. We learned about routes, which are the URLs that Flask responds to, and how to define them using the `@app.route` decorator. The decorator is a special type of function that modifies the behavior of another function.

Next, we learned about Jinja, a templating engine used by Flask. Jinja allows us to generate dynamic content in our web pages, by embedding Python code into HTML. We learned how to use Jinja to render dynamic content in our web pages, including passing variables from our Python code to our HTML templates.

The lecture also covered the basics of handling user input with Flask, using both GET and POST requests. We learned how to create forms in HTML, and how to process the form data in our Flask application using the `request` object. We also learned about HTTP status codes, and how to use them to provide feedback to the user.

Finally, we learned about sessions, a way of storing data on the server that is associated with a particular user. Sessions are used to store user data like login credentials, shopping cart items, and more.


In conclusion, Week 9 of CS50 introduced us to Flask, a powerful micro web framework used to build web applications. We learned about routes, Jinja templating, handling user input with GET and POST requests, HTTP status codes, and sessions. By the end of this week, we had the basic knowledge needed to build dynamic web applications using Flask.