CS50 Week 8: The Fundamentals of Web Development

Week 8 HTML, CSS, JavaScript

In the current digital era, where almost every company and organisation has a website, web development skills are more crucial than ever. In this week, cs50 introduced the basics of web development.


The lecture began by introducing the concept of the Internet and how data is transmitted across networks using routers. We learned about TCP/IP, the protocol used for communication between devices on the Internet, and how DNS (Domain Name System) is used to translate domain names into IP addresses.

Next, we explored HTTP, the protocol used for transferring data on the World Wide Web. We learned about the structure of URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), and the HTTP methods GET and POST, which are used to request and send data to servers.

We then delved into HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the language used for creating web pages. We learned about HTML tags and attributes, and how they are used to structure and present content on a web page.

After that, we moved on to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which is used for styling HTML content. We learned about CSS selectors and properties, and how they can be used to modify the appearance of HTML elements.

Finally, we explored JavaScript, a programming language that is widely used for creating interactive web pages. We learned about variables, conditionals, and loops, and how to use them to control the behavior of a web page. We also learned about events, which are used to trigger JavaScript code in response to user actions.


In conclusion, this week has been a fascinating journey into the world of web development. We learned about the underlying protocols that power the Internet, as well as the languages and tools used to create web content.